English Corner

Two state-of-the-art CT scanners will be tested at the security checkpoint at Zurich Airport from Wednesday. Image: Zurich Airport

Super scanners are now in use at Zurich Airport

Zurich Airport is set to trial CT technology at security checks from Wednesday. The modern technology allows liquids and electronic devices to remain in hand luggage during the security check.

Zurich Airport is equipping two of its 26 passenger security checkpoints with computer tomography scanners for test purposes. The aim is to test various configurations and components of the new devices over several months and to optimise the layout of the new security screening line (Travelnews reported). In the longer term, it is planned to equip all security checkpoints at Zurich Airport with the new technology, according to the airport.

Passengers checked at the new machines will no longer have to remove their electronic devices and liquids from their luggage. This is made possible by CT technology, which produces a three-dimensional image of the baggage contents and thus simplifies the detection of dangerous goods.

CT technology produces a three-dimensional image of the baggage contents, making it easier to recognise dangerous goods. Image: Zurich Airport

The two test lines will operate in parallel to the conventional security lines. Passengers will not be able to choose which security check line they are allocated to. The existing liquid rules – with a maximum container size of 100 millilitres and a total of one litre – will remain in place until further notice.

The new CT scanners not only make security screening less complicated for passengers, but also for employees: The CT technology enables what is known as «remote screening». This means that security staff will no longer have to check the images of the baggage contents directly next to the devices, and will instead work from a separate room. This enables focused work in a quiet environment.

In addition to the CT scanners, new security scanners for people will also be tested during the trial phase. However, in the test phase they are intended for supplementary checks and will not replace the conventional metal detectors.

New security scanners for people will also be used as part of the test. Image: Zurich Airport

For the check, passengers will be asked to have a shoulder-width stance in the security scanner for a short time. This then shows the security staff the potential source of danger on the body using a digital and standardised pictogram. This means that the devices do not transmit any individual body or personality characteristics.
